About Siksika Nation
Siksika Nation is located one hour’s drive east of the city of Calgary, and three kilometres south of the Trans Canada Highway #1. The Administrative and Business district are strategically located adjacent to the Town of Gleichen to accommodate visitor traffic.
Siksika has a total population of approximately 7500+ members. Siksika are a part of the Blackfoot Confederacy which also consists of the Piikani and Kainaiwa of southern Alberta and the Blackfeet in the State of Montana.
The Siksika Nation is governed by a chief and twelve councillors, all of whom are elected by members for three-year terms. The current chief of the Siksika Nation is Ouray Crowfoot. The Siksika Nation is in the process of developing a framework for self-government which will define and control the Nation’s own destiny, and remove it from jurisdiction of The Indian Act which was legislated into force by the Canadian Government in 1876.
Siksika Nation Administration Mission Statement
Siksika Nation Administration will nurture the growth, independence, well-being of our Siksika culture and way of life through the delivery of quality programs and services for Siksikaw
Siksika Nation Administration
P.O. Box 1100
Siksika, AB
T0J 3W0
Phone: (403) 734-5100
Toll free: 1-800-551-5724